Cangai Copper Project: Drill Core Re-Logging & Drone Magnetic Survey Plans.

Mar 13, 2025

Infinity Mining Limited (ASX: IMI) has confirmed the presence of magnetic pyrrhotite within the copper mineralisation zone in drill hole CC0036D at the Cangai Copper Project. This finding supports the application of a modern drone-based magnetic survey to refine drill targets. The company will also reinterpret historical magnetic survey data from past programs conducted by CRA and WMC to assist in designing the new survey. 

The re-logging program builds on previous high-grade assay results reported by Castillo Copper Limited, with significant copper, zinc, and silver grades. Infinity’s analysis estimates 1% to 20% pyrrhotite within the massive sulphide zone. Given pyrrhotite’s strong magnetic properties, the proposed high-resolution geophysical survey will aid in delineating subsurface 3D drill targets, potentially identifying further copper mineralisation. This strategy aims to improve drill targeting efficiency, minimize exploration risk, and enhance the structural understanding of mineralisation at Cangai.



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