ABS released new migrant jobs and income data 

Dec 19, 2022

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released new comprehensive information about the employment outcomes of migrants.

Migrants held 26.3% of all jobs in Australia in 2019-20 (5.3 million jobs worked by 3.6 million migrants), slightly lower than the 29.8% share of Australia’s population. Out of the total number of jobs held by migrants, over 56.6% were held by permanent migrants, temporary migrants held 29.5%, and New Zealand citizens held 12.9%.

The median annual personal income for migrants was AU$45,351 in 2019-20, compared with AU$52,338 for the population as a whole. Migrants living in the Australian Capital Territory had the highest median income of AU$52,439, while those in Tasmania had the lowest median income of AU$31,093. This aligned with the highest and lowest income earners in states and territories for all Australians.

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