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Upcoming Dividends

Upcoming dividends and yield % for ASX listed companies. The list of stocks is updated daily and can be sorted by ex-dividend date, yield or market capitalisation.

Code Company Name Market Cap Franking Date Paid Type Yield Ex Dividend Date
CUE CUE Energy Resources Limited 0.07 B 0% 26-Mar-25 Interim 19.05% 11-Mar-25
HLO Helloworld Travel Limited 0.26 B 100% 26-Mar-25 Interim 8.64% 11-Mar-25
DSK Dusk Group Limited 0.07 B 100% 26-Mar-25 Interim 7.93% 11-Mar-25
QAL Qualitas Limited 0.79 B 100% 28-Mar-25 Interim 3.22% 11-Mar-25
ECH Echelon Resources Limited 0.08 B 0% 31-Mar-25 Interim 7.29% 11-Mar-25
CRN Coronado Global Resources Inc. 0.86 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Final 2.14% 11-Mar-25
NWS News Corporation. 16.20 B 0% 9-Apr-25 Interim 0.43% 11-Mar-25
IGL Ive Group Limited 0.34 B 100% 16-Apr-25 Interim 7.93% 11-Mar-25
QAN Qantas Airways Limited 13.42 B 100% 16-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 11-Mar-25
KME Kip Mcgrath Education Centres Limited 0.03 B 100% 27-Mar-25 Final 1.10% 12-Mar-25
MTO Motorcycle Holdings Limited 0.15 B 100% 27-Mar-25 Interim 7.39% 12-Mar-25
BRG Breville Group Limited 4.64 B 100% 28-Mar-25 Interim 1.10% 12-Mar-25
WQG WCM Global Growth Limited 0.37 B 100% 31-Mar-25 Interim 4.48% 12-Mar-25
PIC Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited 0.46 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 6.61% 12-Mar-25
BXB Brambles Limited 28.39 B 30% 10-Apr-25 Interim 2.89% 12-Mar-25
PWH PWR Holdings Limited 0.71 B 100% 21-Mar-25 Interim 1.60% 13-Mar-25
VSL Vulcan Steel Limited 1.04 B 100% 27-Mar-25 Interim 1.39% 13-Mar-25
SNZ Summerset Group Holdings Limited 3.06 B 0% 27-Mar-25 Final 1.72% 13-Mar-25
MMS Mcmillan Shakespeare Limited 1.05 B 100% 28-Mar-25 Interim 9.87% 13-Mar-25
GLB Globe International Limited 0.15 B 100% 28-Mar-25 Interim 6.53% 13-Mar-25
BIS Bisalloy Steel Group Limited 0.16 B 100% 28-Mar-25 Interim 6.09% 13-Mar-25
TOP Thorney Opportunities Ltd 0.11 B 100% 31-Mar-25 Interim 4.33% 13-Mar-25
GC1 Glennon Small Companies Limited 0.02 B 100% 31-Mar-25 Interim 6.00% 13-Mar-25
CUP Count Limited 0.12 B 100% 2-Apr-25 Interim 5.33% 13-Mar-25
BAP Bapcor Limited 1.71 B 100% 3-Apr-25 Interim 2.70% 13-Mar-25
ING Inghams Group Limited 1.26 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 5.70% 13-Mar-25
PPT Perpetual Limited 2.19 B 0% 4-Apr-25 Interim 6.01% 13-Mar-25
JYC Joyce Corporation Ltd 0.14 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 4.83% 13-Mar-25
REG Regis Healthcare Limited 1.86 B 60% 10-Apr-25 Interim 2.40% 13-Mar-25
EMB Embelton Limited 0.02 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 4.09% 13-Mar-25
SRG SRG Global Limited 0.71 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 4.25% 13-Mar-25
PGF PM Capital Global Opportunities Fund Limited 1.15 B 100% 14-Apr-25 Interim 4.62% 13-Mar-25
DUR Duratec Limited 0.38 B 100% 30-Apr-25 Interim 2.79% 13-Mar-25
YAL Yancoal Australia Limited 41.41 B 100% 30-Apr-25 Final 0.00% 13-Mar-25
KGN Kogan.Com Ltd 0.46 B 100% 30-Apr-25 Interim 3.20% 13-Mar-25
ARA Ariadne Australia Limited 0.10 B 100% 27-Mar-25 Interim 2.00% 14-Mar-25
DTL Data#3 Limited 1.18 B 100% 31-Mar-25 Interim 3.43% 14-Mar-25
PL8 Plato Income Maximiser Limited. 0.95 B 100% 31-Mar-25 Interim 5.18% 14-Mar-25
WTC Wisetech Global Limited 28.81 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 0.24% 14-Mar-25
CAR CAR Group Limited 13.12 B 50% 14-Apr-25 Interim 2.24% 14-Mar-25
SKS SKS Technologies Group Limited 0.20 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 17-Mar-25
LSF L1 Long Short Fund Limited 1.68 B 100% 7-Apr-25 Interim 4.59% 17-Mar-25
ANG Austin Engineering Limited 0.25 B 100% 9-Apr-25 Interim 3.54% 17-Mar-25
SND Saunders International Limited 0.11 B 100% 14-Apr-25 Interim 4.89% 17-Mar-25
HUB HUB24 Limited 5.93 B 100% 15-Apr-25 Interim 0.61% 17-Mar-25
RMS Ramelius Resources Limited 2.67 B 100% 17-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 17-Mar-25
CCP Credit Corp Group Limited 0.99 B 100% 28-Mar-25 Interim 3.84% 18-Mar-25
NDO Nido Education Limited 0.20 B 35% 28-Mar-25 Final 6.67% 18-Mar-25
NZM Nzme Limited 0.20 B 0% 31-Mar-25 Final 6.60% 18-Mar-25
SEK Seek Limited 8.15 B 100% 2-Apr-25 Interim 1.76% 18-Mar-25
REH Reece Limited 10.45 B 100% 2-Apr-25 Interim 1.51% 18-Mar-25
LGI LGI Limited 0.26 B 100% 27-Mar-25 Interim 0.85% 19-Mar-25
PRN Perenti Limited 1.16 B 0% 3-Apr-25 Interim 5.67% 19-Mar-25
HLI Helia Group Limited 1.62 B 100% 3-Apr-25 Final 5.29% 19-Mar-25
SHM Shriro Holdings Limited 0.07 B 100% 3-Apr-25 Interim 6.76% 19-Mar-25
AIA Auckland International Airport Limited 14.85 B 0% 4-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 19-Mar-25
CLX Cti Logistics Limited 0.13 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 6.12% 19-Mar-25
MAH Macmahon Holdings Limited 0.58 B 100% 10-Apr-25 Interim 4.31% 19-Mar-25
GNE Genesis Energy Limited 2.40 B 0% 10-Apr-25 Interim 5.47% 19-Mar-25
PPC Peet Limited 0.63 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 4.10% 19-Mar-25
EGG Enero Group Limited 0.08 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 3.89% 19-Mar-25
BBL Brisbane Broncos Limited 0.10 B 100% 17-Apr-25 Final 2.00% 19-Mar-25
PPM Pepper Money Limited 0.65 B 100% 17-Apr-25 Final 8.20% 19-Mar-25
KSC K & S Corporation Limited 0.50 B 100% 3-Apr-25 Interim 4.44% 20-Mar-25
SNL Supply Network Limited 1.55 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 20-Mar-25
A2M The A2 Milk Company Limited 4.62 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 20-Mar-25
SSM Service Stream Limited 1.07 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 2.90% 20-Mar-25
SPK Spark New Zealand Limited 3.73 B 0% 4-Apr-25 Interim 10.08% 20-Mar-25
THL Tourism Holdings Rentals Limited 0.43 B 0% 4-Apr-25 Interim 3.48% 20-Mar-25
EPY Earlypay Ltd 0.06 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 20-Mar-25
COH Cochlear Limited 17.39 B 80% 14-Apr-25 Interim 1.58% 20-Mar-25
KLS Kelsian Group Limited 0.82 B 100% 23-Apr-25 Interim 5.83% 20-Mar-25
VLS Vita Life Sciences Limited. 0.10 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Final 5.41% 21-Mar-25
LFS Latitude Group Holdings Limited 1.20 B 0% 23-Apr-25 Final 2.61% 21-Mar-25
LYL Lycopodium Limited 0.40 B 100% 3-Apr-25 Interim 4.97% 24-Mar-25
NWH NRW Holdings Limited 1.25 B 100% 10-Apr-25 Interim 5.83% 24-Mar-25
NCC Naos Emerging Opportunities Company Limited 0.03 B 100% 24-Apr-25 Interim 11.27% 24-Mar-25
AHL Adrad Holdings Limited 0.05 B 100% 2-Apr-25 Interim 4.93% 25-Mar-25
MAD Mader Group Limited 1.09 B 100% 4-Apr-25 Interim 1.54% 25-Mar-25
SXE Southern Cross Electrical Engineering Ltd 0.41 B 100% 9-Apr-25 Interim 4.93% 25-Mar-25
CVL Civmec Limited 0.40 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 6.35% 25-Mar-25
CCV Cash Converters International 0.16 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 8.00% 25-Mar-25
FLT Flight Centre Travel Group Limited 3.17 B 100% 17-Apr-25 Interim 2.85% 26-Mar-25
IPG Ipd Group Ltd 0.39 B 100% 10-Apr-25 Interim 3.37% 27-Mar-25
MGH Maas Group Holdings Limited 1.31 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 1.92% 27-Mar-25
WWG Wiseway Group Limited 0.03 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 27-Mar-25
APE Eagers Automotive Limited 3.93 B 100% 11-Apr-25 Final 4.86% 27-Mar-25
ACL Australian Clinical Labs Limited 0.61 B 100% 16-Apr-25 Interim 4.09% 27-Mar-25
SB2 Salter Brothers Emerging Companies Limited 0.07 B 100% 24-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 27-Mar-25
BVS Bravura Solutions Limited. 1.01 B 0% 16-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 28-Mar-25
CCG Comms Group Ltd 0.02 B 100% 24-Apr-25 Interim 0.00% 28-Mar-25
RFF Rural Funds Group 0.68 B 0% 30-Apr-25 Interim 6.80% 28-Mar-25
CIP Centuria Industrial Reit 1.86 B 0% 30-Apr-25 Interim 5.58% 28-Mar-25
COF Centuria Office Reit 0.68 B 0% 30-Apr-25 Interim 9.36% 28-Mar-25
DXC Dexus Convenience Retail Reit 0.38 B 0% 15-May-25 Interim 7.46% 28-Mar-25
DXI Dexus Industria Reit. 0.85 B 0% 15-May-25 Interim 6.19% 28-Mar-25
CWP Cedar Woods Properties Limited 0.44 B 100% 30-Apr-25 Interim 5.15% 31-Mar-25
GVF Staude Capital Global Value Fund Limited 0.24 B 100% 15-May-25 Interim 4.84% 31-Mar-25

Source: Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)

Note: Kindly refer to company’s website for more information as this may subject to change.

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Driven by the surging demand from electric vehicles and battery technology, lithium has ascended to become one of the world's most prized and sought-after mineral resources. Yet, comprehending the nuances of the lithium sector can prove to be daunting, with terms like spodumene concentrate, lithium-ion batteries, lithium hydroxide, and the intricacies of mining processes coming into play. However, there's no need to worry! Our team of experts is poised to expertly navigate you through all the crucial facets and practical intricacies of the lithium market.

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