Ex-dividend date is an important concept for investors who are interested in dividend-paying stocks. This is the date on which a stock begins trading without the dividend that has been declared, meaning that the buyers of the stock on or after this date are not entitled to receive the upcoming dividend. For investors who are interested in receiving the upcoming dividend, they must buy the stock before the ex-dividend date.
On 15 March 2023, three stocks will be trading ex-dividend - Breville Group Limited, Inghams Group Limited, and TPG Telecom Limited.
Breville Group Limited (ASX: BRG) is an Australian-based manufacturer of small electrical appliances. The company has a market capitalisation of around AU$2.73 billion and has been paying dividends regularly for the past few years. On 15 March 2023, Breville Group will pay an interim dividend of AU$0.15 per share. The company's dividend yield is around 1.55%. Breville Group has been performing well, with its revenue and net profit increasing over the past few years.
1H FY2023 Highlights:
Inghams Group Limited (ASX: ING) is a leading producer of chicken and turkey products in Australia and New Zealand. The company has a market capitalization of around AU$1.14 billion and has been paying dividends since 2016. On 15 March 2023, Inghams Group will pay an interim dividend of AU$0.045 per share. The company's dividend yield is around 2.26%. Inghams Group has been performing well, with its revenue and net profit increasing over the past few years.
1H FY2023 Highlights:
TPG Telecom Limited (ASX: TPG) is an Australian-based telecommunications company that provides internet and mobile phone services. The company has a market capitalization of around AU$9.48 billion and has been paying dividends regularly for the past few years. On 15 March 2023, TPG Telecom will pay an interim dividend of AU$0.09 per share. The company's dividend yield is around 3.56%. TPG Telecom has been performing well, with its revenue and net profit increasing over the past few years.
FY2022 Highlights:
In conclusion, the ex-dividend date is an important concept for investors who are interested in dividend-paying stocks. On 15 March 2023, Breville Group Limited, Inghams Group Limited, and TPG Telecom Limited will be trading ex-dividend. These companies have been performing well and have a history of paying dividends regularly, making them attractive options for investors looking to invest in dividend-paying stocks.
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Nextgen Global Services Pty Ltd trading as Kapitales Research (ABN 89 652 632 561) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 1293674) of Enva Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 424494). The information contained in this website is general information only. Any advice is general advice only. No consideration has been given or will be given to the individual investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. The decision to invest or trade and the method selected is a personal decision and involves an inherent level of risk, and you must undertake your own investigations and obtain your own advice regarding the suitability of this product for your circumstances. Please be aware that all trading activity is subject to both profit & loss and may not be suitable for you. The past performance of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of future performance.